Taking control of your oral health is not all-powerful.

But it is a power that you have.

Taking control of your oral health is not all-powerful.

But it is a power that you have.

Patient Stories

Real patients. Real happy smiles.

Patient Stories

Real patients. Real happy smiles.

At Glaser Dental, our goal is to make you feel and look good. Patients come to us with all sorts of dental problems, whether they need to de-age a neglected smile, replace lost or broken teeth, or get back on a healthy, functioning oral health track.

The following examples are some of our actual patient case studies. We outline the challenge, our solution, and the results. We’ve worked with hundreds of patients and have extensive experience with challenging dental implant and rehabilitation cases. Call our smile design consultant, and let’s get the conversation started. We will develop a plan and then spread treatment to fit your schedule and budget. 

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Gap in top teeth. Teeth proportion issues.

The Challenge
This patient came to us wanting to close the spacing in his upper front teeth. He was initially interested in a clear aligner therapy. His upper front teeth were proportionately small, creating a tooth-size discrepancy between his top and bottom teeth. His naturally broad lower arch and straight lower teeth created a scenario where moving teeth wouldn’t achieve his goal. 

The Solution
After thoroughly evaluating his bite, Dr. Glaser determined that the best course would be placing porcelain restorations on his upper front six teeth instead of closing the spaces orthodontically. 

The Result
By stabilizing his bite and working within the patient’s natural anatomy, we achieved a predictable long-term outcome and gave him the smile he had always dreamed of.

“It turns out this case was a gift from one Blugold linebacker to another”

– Dr. Glaser –

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Ground down teeth. Tooth movement issues.

The Challenge
The patient came to Dr. Glaser’s office concerned about his worn front teeth. He was already most of the way through his orthodontic treatment with a local orthodontist. Through years of untreated bruxism, the patient experienced compensatory eruption, a process in which the teeth vertically shift as they try to “hit” something, mainly on his front teeth. This movement creates a scenario that is difficult to treat with just restorative dental care because the teeth become shorter over time.

The Solution
Moving the teeth back to their original position with the help of a very skilled orthodontist allowed Dr. Glaser the room to restore the teeth to their natural size. Dr. Glaser placed crowns on the front six top and bottom teeth. By creating harmony in the patient’s bite, Dr. Glaser was also able to mitigate the risk of the patient experiencing additional uneven tooth wear in the future.

The Result
Years later, this patient continues to sport a healthy smile and no longer worries about losing his front teeth due to severe tooth wear. He is enjoying his retirement with a healthy and rejuvenated smile!

“Despite this patient being a Packer fan, we could agree on one thing… that the result was a great success!”

– Dr. Glaser –

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Solving the damaging effects of tooth wear.

The Challenge
After working for years in the dental industry, this patient understood the damaging effects untreated toothwear could have on her smile. A childhood accident left her with disproportionate and uneven crowns on her front teeth. As her smile shifted over time, years of clenching and grinding caused premature wear on her lower front teeth. The compensatory eruption, a process in which the teeth shift vertically as they try to “hit” something, also left this patient with uneven gum tissue height when she smiled.

The Solution
With the help of an excellent orthodontist, we balanced this patient’s gum tissue height and created space to restore her teeth to their natural size. Crowns were placed on the upper front four teeth and the lower front three teeth. An equilibration (creating harmony in bite forces on all teeth) was also completed to ensure uneven tooth wear doesn’t occur in the future.

The Result
Completing treatment has allowed this patient to move through life, sporting a healthy and beautiful new smile!

“As a life-long dental professional, she knew her bite never felt right. Correcting that and giving this patient the smile she deserves made this case all worth it!”

– Dr. Glaser –

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Grinding & clenching. Fractures. Toothwear.

The Challenge
This patient had significant fracture lines in her upper front teeth as well as tooth wear on the biting surface of the teeth from years of clenching and grinding. Her teeth were shorter in size from the wear that had occurred. She also had some spacing in her upper front teeth. She didn’t want to end up in a situation where she would have to consider the options to replace her front teeth, so she decided it was time to invest in her smile. 

The Solution
Since the patient already had a good foundation, Dr. Glaser could even out the “hills and the valleys” of the teeth through an equilibration(bite adjustment) to ensure even pressure on all of her teeth. This helps mitigate the risk of future uneven tooth wear and fracture. Once her function was improved, crowns on her upper front six teeth were placed to restore them to their natural size and prevent additional vertical root fractures. 

The Result
With minimal dentistry, this patient was able to drastically reduce the risk of future tooth loss due to wear. She can now travel with her friends without worrying about unnecessary dental pain! 

“She can now flash a healthy smile in all of the pictures she takes on her world travels!”

– Dr. Glaser –

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Wear. Jagged and uneven front teeth.

The Challenge
This gentleman had been with us for a while when he decided it was time to dive deeper into why his teeth were wearing out. He had jagged, uneven, and thin front teeth.

The Solution
When reviewing his bite, it was discovered that the premature wear on his front teeth was caused by the imbalance of pressure on his teeth and the angulation and crowding he was experiencing. This led him into the hands of a very skilled orthodontist who realigned his teeth and created space for his new smile. After his teeth were shifted into the proper position, a bite adjustment was completed along with twelve crowns(six on top and six on bottom). 

The Result
By repositioning his teeth and creating room for his new smile, we could realign and rebalance all of his biting forces and give him back the smile he once had. He sailed into retirement without the worry of premature tooth wear. 

“I am amazed at how natural my smile looks! It’s like the smile I used to have! I never thought it could look this good.”

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Sleep Apnea. Grinding & clenching. Toothwear.

The Challenge
The patient had severe tooth wear from years of clenching and grinding that was exacerbated by his sleep apnea. To improve his sleep-disordered breathing, the patient underwent double jaw surgery to realign his upper and lower jaw with an oral surgeon. The result was a greatly enhanced airway and a poorly functioning bite. 

The Solution
With the amount of tooth wear present, Dr. Glaser had to create space to restore the patient’s teeth to their natural size. The amount of tooth wear created a situation where crowns were necessary on all teeth to provide harmony in his chewing system. 

The Result
Though the patient underwent full mouth rehabilitation, the result prevented the patient from worrying about eventual tooth loss due to severe tooth wear. 

“This great guy has a healthy smile ready when his bird dog retrieves his trophy bird!”

– Dr. Glaser –

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Old Bridges. Wear. Discoloration.

The Challenge
This patient came to us because she didn’t like the look of her old bridges on her front teeth or the shading/staining of her natural teeth. The front bridges had been in place for about 20 years and were made from a material that no longer served their esthetic purpose. Her natural teeth were worn and discolored. 

The Solution
Dr. Glaser found that a severe imbalance in her bite caused her teeth to wear. By removing her remaining wisdom teeth and placing restorations on all of her top teeth, Dr. Glaser balanced out the bite discrepancy she was experiencing. Then, with in-office whitening on her lower teeth and resins on her lower front teeth, we brought her smile back to a more natural shade. 

The Result
By phasing out treatment for this patient and putting long-term temporary crowns on her back teeth, we were able to rejuvenate her smile using esthetically pleasing materials. Although she is only halfway through treatment, the transformation thus far is worth celebrating. This great gal is smiling now more than ever! We can’t wait to see the final product. Stay tuned!

“I have NEVER had a balanced bite! I didn’t know how uncomfortable I was before. I LOVE my new smile!”

– Quote from Patient –

Before & After Photo Comparing Dental Problem and Results of Solution

Overview – Poorly balanced bite. Compromised tooth structure.

The Challenge
After a few years of noticing he was spending a significant amount of time with his teeth together, this patient decided it was time for a change. His front teeth were chipping and becoming shorter because of the undue stress his clenching was causing. He didn’t want to worry about tooth issues later in life. When evaluating this patient’s chewing system, Dr. Glaser determined that a large amount of this patient’s wear was coming from the lack of guidance his front teeth were providing him. He also had a poorly balanced bite, stressing already compromised tooth structure.

The Solution
Dr. Glaser was able to rebalance this patient’s bite by completing an equilibration(bite adjustment) to ensure even pressure on all of his teeth. He then placed crowns on the top and bottom of the six front teeth to create a better guidance relationship and repair the damaged tooth structure. 

The Result
By finding the root cause of this patient’s occlusal disease, we created a stable bite relationship and brought this patient’s smile back to health!

“This great guy can now enjoy his hunting trips with his family without worrying about unnecessary tooth issues.”

– Dr. Glaser –

Smile Makeover Samples From Our Instagram Page

Wausau Area Dental Implant and Oral Health Provider

Dr. Glaser combines extensive experience with masterful advanced oral and maxillofacial training to deliver skillful, artistic results in a compassionate environment.

Dr. Glaser has over 150 hours of continued dental implant training at the highly regarded Engel Institute and only uses the best-in-class Straumann  Implant products. 

Wausau Area Dental Implant and Oral Health Provider

Dr. Glaser combines extensive experience with masterful advanced oral and maxillofacial training to deliver skillful, artistic results in a compassionate environment.

Dr. Glaser has over 150 hours of continued dental implant training at the highly regarded Engel Institute and only uses the best-in-class Straumann  Implant products.